For complete book in several formats see The cyclists' road guide of Canada or Open Library listing

Annapolis to Windsor

MILEAGE.       TOWNS.                HOTELS.

               Annapolis             American
6              Roundhill
8              Bridgetown            Revere
5              Paradise
3              Lawrencetown 
6              Middletown            American
4              Wilmot
3              Kingston
5              Auburn
2              Aylesford 
3              Berwick               Thorndyke
3              Waterville
9              Kentville             Porter
7              Wolfville             Royal
3              Grand Pre             Dunedin.
1              Horton Bridge
7              Hantsport             Wall's.
7 84           Windsor               Victoria.
Main post road, hard gravel to Bridgetown ; then by centre road 2 miles north of Bridgetown to Berwick, good clay ; again striking main road as far as Hantsport, from which take the Bog road to Windsor. The centre road runs 2 miles north of all the villages between Bridgetown and Berwick, but the direct road is very heavy sand.

Wolfville to Cape Blomidon

MILEAGE        TOWNS.               HOTELS.

               Wolfville            Royal
3              Port William
3              Canard
3              Canning              Baxter's.
4 13           Blomidon
First-class hard gravel road to Canard, then slightly sandy, but good riding to Blomidon look off, from which point can be seen the home of Evangeline (15 miles distant) Minas Basin and the old farms of the Acadians -- a beautiful trip.

Wolfville to Grand Pre

MILEAGE        TOWNS.                MOTELS.

               Wolfville             Royal.
3              Grand Pre             Dunedin.
Fine gravel road easterly. At Grand Pre will be found the home of Evangeline, the old well and tree still being pointed out to tourists.